Craig Richardville, SVP & CIO, Carolinas Healthcare SystemThe rapid changes in not only the financing of health care, but also the health and wellbeing of the patients we care for are driving the need to better understand and care for patients. One of the keys to providing more effective, valuebased care is to understand the population of people we serve.
Our challenge is to move beyond the collecting of the data around our patients, which is what the industry has been doing for the last 20 years, to truly understand that data in order to drive strategies around more effective care to keep patients healthier. IT is the interface of the data, delivering to patients and employees in a digestible and user-friendly way.
A few years, Carolinas HealthCare System recognized the need to harness the data it collects on our patients to better understand and develop new methods for treatment and care. Our analytics center was formed to begin analyzing data on our patients that provides clues to improving care, understanding our population’s health and provides for predictive analytic work.
For instance, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, nearly 65 percent of all adults in North Carolina are overweight with 28 percent being obese; and nearly a third of our children are overweight or obese. This rapid rise in obesity in our population has changed the type of care being sought by our patients and it’s changed the conditions and complexity of conditions being treated by our clinicians.
Here at Carolinas HealthCare, we understand through our data analysis and predictive modeling that obesity, diabetes, asthma and other conditions require and we improve the care being delivered.